
Garden Diary - March 2023

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Tree Work
Tuesday, 21 March 2023

First day of spring. Steve and Son Tree will be here today to do some work. They're so busy that we booked the day when they were here in 2022, last October. Steve came a couple of days prior, so we could discuss what work would be done today. And the cost.

It is a clear, somewhat chilly morning when Steve and crew arrive.

He shows them what they'll be working on. And leaves. Wyatt is in charge.

One of the oaks behind my tool shed has a hollow at the bottom.
Bees moved in. The pest control company had to come and spray.

That was last summer. Steve saw the opening and discovered that
there was rot extending into the trunk. Turns out it went six feet up.

Down it came. The small stuff was cut away and removed for chipping
(more about that later) and the rest cut to length, stacked for firewood.

The huge oak (Wyatt estimates at 150 years old) has some dead branches.

He's able to swing a weight with a messenger line over a high branch,
then pull a heavier rope that he can use for secure climbing. Later on
I asked and Wyatt said he was probably about 60 feet up, moving as
needed from one major trunk to another. It looks so much better now.

A couple of chain saws, fuel can, ropes of various weights, various bits and pieces.

Oak logs, brought up the driveway to where Paul works on firewood. He will need
to cut them to 18 inch length for the wood burning stove, and then split and stack.

But wait, here comes the skid steer with a few more logs. These are dry
enough that they'll be ready to burn once split. This winter was so mild
that there's firewood left over. And if this is wood for 2024 / 25 that's O.K.

The smaller pieces, everything from larger branches to smaller, twiggy stuff
goes through the chipper. I had it dumped by the driveway's lower parking area.

I have to clear it away where it spilled off the paving. It will be good on paths.

And an important thing to do is call and book a date for this fall to take down dead ash.


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